27 October, 2013

For a while now I've been wanting to give the raw diet thing a go. All the recipes look so damn delicious and I really want to improve my eating habits. Since everywhere I turn, I keep seeing pictures of Power Balls / Bliss Balls / Cacao Balls / whatever else you call them balls, I decided this would be my first attempt. They look amazing and sound even yummier than the unhealthy chocolate truffle sweet tooth kind. I read a whole bunch of recipes first and it sounded like pretty much anything goes, so I went to the store and came back with a whole bunch of stuff. Here's what my recipe included:
  • Mixed raw nuts (Almonds, Cashews, Pistachios, Walnuts)
  • Seeds (Sunflower seeds, Chia seeds, Ground linseed (flaxseed))
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Pitted whole dates
  • Cacao powder
  • Ground Cinamon
  • Coconut oil
  • 100% Nautral maple syrup
  • Pure vanilla extract
I just put all the dry ingredients (except coconut and chia) in the blender first, and then putting that aside I put the dates and some water through the blender, soaked the chia seeds in water for a few minutes, then with my hands I mixed everything all together, then rolled the balls over the coconut, and refrigerated for an hour before eating. It only took like 10 minutes! I thought these would be really expensive to make but actually when you buy the nuts/seeds from one of those fill-the-bag-yourself sections, it's really quite cheap. I spent just under $8 for all of mine and made about 20 balls. 


20 October, 2013

I've been spending hours upon hours browsing through etsy, pinterest, trademe, and society 6 for house furnishings. It's not like I can even afford to buy anything so actually it's completely pointless, but for some reason I just cant stop. I'm really digging the plants on the wall look, a simple colour palette, and as per usual my love for slightly creepy artwork and sculptures. 

Meadowlark HQ, Littlebubble doll parts, "Quiet Stroll" by Leslee Mitchell, Bee pillow by, Phrenology money bank at Urban Outfitters, "Portrait of Ikuko's Ghost" by Rudy Faber, Hanging terrariums at Urban Outfitters, "Ruby Beach" by Kevin Russ


14 October, 2013

So I finally did it! Over the weekend I launched an online store for some jewelry I've been hand-making and wearing for a whole year now. I always seem to start projects and then get distracted by a new idea so I'm excited that I finally did it! And now that it's up, I'm feeling more motivated to spend my spare time creating new pieces. I've even secured a spot at the La Gonda Market coming up in a month's time which is something I'm really looking forward to doing.

If you've got a good eye, you might have noticed that I've been wearing my pieces in a few of my past outfit posts. Check out my online store and "like" Loser Year on facebook to keep up with new designs as I make them!


07 October, 2013

In case anybody has actually noticed, I haven't been blogging of late due to a few reasons: I moved house, set up yet another side business, and have been slack on the gym front leaving me feeling bloated and tired. To help motivate me, I turned to my 1,246 post deep bloglovin feed for some good ol' style inspiration, and here is what I found - Lazy Oaf never fails to get me in the mood!